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  2. Mental health In English
<strong>How can couple therapy resolve marital conflicts?</strong>

One of the most turbulent human relationships is emotional relationships, especially those that have undergone a passage of time, there are things that can only be known about oneself through an emotional experience in which things are revealed that a person does not realize about himself, and other things surface that were...

Top Ten Benefits of More Frequent and Regular Sex For Physical and Mental Health

In this article I have tried to evaluate the physical and mental benefits of frequent and regular sex. I agree with these benefits unlike most of the people have assumed that frequent sex have negative impacts on physical and mental health. This sex must be confined to a legal relationship, because casual sex and dating have many negative impacts,...


If lately you feel like your mood is always hovering, with no emotions of grief or happiness, you may be experiencing languish.After two years of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, life suddenly became overwhelming and boring at the same time. We gradually lose the motivation to get out of bed every morning to do the same sequence of activ...

Mental Fitness Challenge: 90 Days to Change

I have read hundreds of examples recently where people have taken a 90 day challenge to improve the physical fitness and I love it! What better way to get in physical shape than partner with a community of like-minded individuals? However, with all the focus on a physical challenge, aren’t people missing out on two other key aspects of fitness ...

Psychotherapy Improves Mental Health

Psychotherapy is more and more known, especially in modern life. The fast pace of life makes invisible pressures and psychological burdens gradually become an unfamiliar part. The truth is that people are more susceptible to psycho-neurological problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, social anxiet...