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Squashing Stress With Emotional Intelligence

Work stress is as old as work itself. And so are the ways we respond. You can just imagine the first cave-clan’s leader spending sleepless nights counting stalactites, worried about how he was going to break the news to UG and the other hunters that the decreasing wild beast population meant they were going to have less to eat.Stress always has...

5 Non – Invasive Ways To Better Handle Your Stress!

Stress, and, how, we handle it, often, differentiates, between, becoming the best and happiest, we can be, and, far – less! In the United States, stress – related issues, and concerns, are so widespread, pharmaceuticals, for stress and tension, are, one of the largest components, of that industry! However, after, over four decades of involvemen...

Work Stress Tips

‘Work is not a punishment; it is our reward, strength and pleasure’ George SandUnfortunately, there are a variety of factors that can make work a punishment. Here is a closer look at some common reasons for work stress and tips to cope with each situation.A Difficult BossNasty bosses have been caricatu...

8 emotional needs in a healthy relationship

Love for the other half is not the only element needed in a healthy relationship. In addition, maintaining a connection between two people requires many other factors such as safety, empathy and mutual trust.Besides basic physiological needs such as food, water, air… everyone has emotional needs that need to be met. Physical needs keep...

12 ways to enjoy the joy of solitude

Most of us do not fully understand loneliness and often melancholy when falling into that state. However, you can completely turn loneliness into joy and enjoy life to the fullest with these 12 useful tips below.First, we need to understand that aloneness and loneliness are two almost opposite concepts.Many people mistakenly believe that...

How to live positively regardless of old age?

Although we know that birth – old age – illness – death is an immutable law of life, but youth is something that everyone tries to find a way to preserve. Because, we are always haunted by worries, that as age increases, wrinkles on the face will appear more, the body is no longer flexible or memory begins to decline.Instead...

Relieve Stress and Anxiety

As he pounded his fists on the desk, he shouted, “I haven’t got time to relieve stress!” Sound familiar? Stress results from our response to events, and it can wreck our health, careers, relationships, and lives.Here are seven actions to help relieve stress and reduce anxiety. These actions are a minimal, yet excellent, investment of ti...

What’s the Definition of Stress?

Stress is a very common issue among all individuals. It has been discovered that all people, regardless of age and social status, experience some degree of stress. When the body is introduced to more than it feels as if it can handle appropriately, it has a natural tendency to react to the things that it interprets as a direct threat.We each have...