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12 ways to enjoy the joy of solitude

12 ways to enjoy the joy of solitude

  • December 24, 2022
Most of us do not fully understand loneliness and often melancholy when falling into that state. However, you can completely turn loneliness into joy and enjoy life to the fullest with these 12 useful tips below.
First, we need to understand that aloneness and loneliness are two almost opposite concepts.Many people mistakenly believe that the type of person who likes to be alone is someone who has no friends, no love, even that they belong to the group of people with Antisocial (antisocial pathology). They still have normal social relationships, it’s just that they feel comfortable and satisfied when they are alone.On the other hand, loneliness is when we have family, friends and relationships around but still feel disconnected and empty.Surely there will be times when you feel lonely when you choose to be alone. However, you should understand that they have different points and that in many cases these two states are often not parallel.

Getting used to loneliness

Here are some ways to help you become more comfortable with loneliness. While they won’t make you feel better right away, they can be stepping stones to help you find and shape your lifestyle.

1. Avoid comparing yourself to others

The girl is satisfied with her loneliness

Photo: Pexels/Alena Shekhovtcova

It doesn’t require a lot of relationships and a busy schedule to make you happy. The number of friends and the frequency of social contact cannot tell a person’s personality. The important thing you need to pay attention to is what lifestyle makes you happy and comfortable.

2. Limit the use of social networks

If exposure to too much information on social media drains you of energy, you should take a break for a while. The flashy images of characters on social media cannot represent their real life. No one knows if they’re really happy or if they’re just trying to impress their followers. Either way, their lives don’t affect your worth. Take a deep breath and see things from a different perspective.

3. Relax your mind

Girl enjoys solitude

Photo: Unsplash/Marisa Harris

Because of the constant twists and turns of life, sometimes allowing yourself to completely rest makes you feel anxious. In fact, the reason for that worry is because you haven’t allowed yourself to rest for a long time.To give your mind a real rest, you can try the following exercise: find a comfortable position to sit or lie down, close your eyes, dim the room, or look out a window. Next, spend 5 minutes in silence without having to do anything (no electronics, no music, and even no reading).If you like to be active, you can practice repetitive tasks such as washing dishes, knitting, embroidering, and throwing balls.These exercises will help you to completely relax your mind. At first, they can make you feel quite strange. But once you get used to it, you’ll discover these are fun ways to relax when you’re alone.

4. Date yourself

Dating yourself sounds odd. However, it is one of the most effective ways to practice finding the joy of solitude.During those dates, you can try looking around, you will surely see a lot of people who are also happy to go out to dinner or to the cinema alone.You can gradually get used to this type of dating by going to a coffee shop and sitting alone for 10 minutes. Planning a solo outing can also be a fun experience. Short trips with breakfast served in bed, sunny gardens, country fairs… through “one person” observation is really a very different pleasure.

5. Immerse yourself in nature

The reason nature is always mentioned as an effective medicine to heal all souls is because nature possesses a special  vibrational frequency.Lying on the lawn, walking in the park, watching the lakeside, feeling every scent and sound of nature with all your senses are things you should do regularly.

6. Take advantage of the perks of solitude

Happy girl with loneliness

Photo: Pexels/Teona Swift

No one can deny that living alone has very interesting perks:All the space is yours: you can freely use the living room or the kitchen; You can cook whatever you like without worrying about anyone’s opinion.Flirting: have you ever wanted to spread out all your clothes and pick a favorite one for tomorrow’s outing? Living alone will allow you to do it every day.Turn your home into a stage: turn on your playlist of favorite songs, turn the volume up as loud as you can, and perform whatever you want.

7. Think about the things you’re grateful for

A list of all the things (physically and mentally) that make you grateful each day is the key to discovering joy on a lonely journey. Whenever you feel weak from being alone, you can find this list again to remind yourself of the beautiful little things that you have inadvertently forgotten.

Put yourself in orbit

As you begin to feel the comforts of being alone, you can take more in-depth steps to get yourself into orbit.

8. Form new habits

Happy girl with loneliness

Photo: Unsplash/Courtney Cook Le

Some routines can put you in a rut, leaving you feeling bored and unable to find new inspiration. Now, take a moment to consider what habits are still useful and what activities are no longer enjoyable.You can change old habits by rearranging your house, repainting the walls, gardening, planting trees, finding a new coffee shop to work in, or anything that takes you out of the way. old.

9. Enhance situational skills

Girl sitting by the sea having fun with loneliness

Photo: Pexels/Olya Kobruseva

We cannot ignore difficulties and challenges because they are a part of life. At times of impasse, try to think about times you have overcome difficulties in the past: how did you handle it and what worked? It’s also a skill you need to develop.Always acknowledge your efforts to see that you are stronger and more resilient than you think.

10. Learn to forgive

In addition to its proven health-related benefits, forgiveness can also help reduce stress, anxiety, and pressure. Not only forgiving others, sometimes you should also be more tolerant of your own mistakes.

11. Health Care

Girl meditating

Photo: Unsplash/Patrick Malleret

Mental health affects physical health and vice versa. So, pay attention to both of these aspects to improve the quality of life. Eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all things you need to do to stay healthy. You should also go for regular health check-ups to understand the status and prevent if signs of instability appear.

12. Plan for the future

Lonely girl reading a book

Photo: Unsplash/Jeffery Erhunse

How would you like to see yourself in the next 5 or 10 years? What do you need to do to achieve your goals in life and career? Writing down your intentions can make it easier to navigate your life.You can review these tips annually to track your progress and change so you can make the appropriate adjustments. Every day, your regular planning for the next day can bring hope, energy, optimism, and happiness.
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