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Did You Understand Correctly About Detox?

Did You Understand Correctly About Detox?

  • December 24, 2022

Have you ever seen a colleague bring a lot of colorful juice bottles to work and they don’t eat anything but only drink those drinks from start to finish? If you think they’re dieting to lose weight, you’re only partially correct. What they’re really doing is detoxing the body, also known as detox. Join  us to find out what the essence of detox is, the benefits and  harms of this as well as popular methods to detoxify the body!

What is Detox?

Detox is a short name for the word detoxification, medically understood as the use of drugs and physiology to eliminate toxins in the body such as mercury, lead, addictive substances… Currently , the word “detox” is widely used and understood simply as methods of detoxifying the body.

You will wonder that in our body there are already organs that help eliminate toxins such as liver, lungs and kidneys, so why do we need to perform detoxification methods anymore? It is true that we already have organs capable of eliminating or neutralizing internal toxins. However, when you are living in a polluted environment and using food that is not safe, the organs can be overloaded and will reduce efficiency. Therefore, finding the right detox methods is really necessary to maintain a healthy body.

Common detox methods

The most popular method today is the detox method with detox diets such as fasting from processed foods for a period of time (1 week or more) and switching to drinking lots of water, eating and drinking more vegetables combined with Compounds are added to help with bowel movements in the hope of cleansing the bowels.

After applying these detox methods, most of us feel healthier, more mentally focused. However, what toxins are released after such detox sessions have not been confirmed by true science. The reason you feel better after a detox is because your body doesn’t have to deal with high-fat, complex processed foods and contains many preservatives. In addition, more vegetables and fruits than usual provide a large amount of useful vitamins.

The downside of this method is that when forcing the body to not eat enough protein and starch components for a long time, it will make people feel hungry, tired, distracted and irritable. In the long term, it can be debilitating due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and lead to damage to digestive organs such as the stomach and intestines.

Professional detox solutions

In addition to the detox methods you can apply yourself above, most of the other detox methods such as liver and intestinal detoxification, blood detoxification, detoxification by metal blockade (chelation) need to be performed. under the supervision and guidance of a physician.

Among the detoxification methods, detoxification in the liver is the most concerned. This is one of the first and most important steps because most of the body’s detoxification processes take place in the liver. However, the current worrying situation is that many people are spreading the “secrets” of liver detoxification drugs on the internet, not following the instructions and monitoring of doctors. This can lead to ineffective detoxification, or worse, affect the organs, causing drug poisoning and complications.

So when should we detox?

In fact, your body always has a way to notify you of signs of toxicity . Pay more attention to these symptoms, and at the same time should form the habit of  having a regular health check-up once a year. In these ways, you will have timely detection when the body shows signs of being overworked and take timely measures to determine whether or not to apply detox measures.

Prevention is better than cure

After all, detox methods, professional or conventional, are just “healing” processes for what we put into our bodies. The message that Prudential wants to send to you is how to form healthy living habits to “prevention is better than cure”.

  • First, replace processed and fast foods with organic fruits and vegetables. Dark green vegetables, colorful fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries… Say no to animal fat and viscera. Adjust the amount of starch tolerated appropriately at each age.
  • Exercise  and  meditation are quite effective ways to have a healthy body. Exercise helps you get rid of toxins through sweat. According to the Journal of Environment and Public Health in 2012, people find arsenic, lead and mercury in sweat. Besides, meditation helps you clear your mind and reduce stress. Stress is just as bad for your health as chemicals.
  • While you can’t control the outside environment, you can make sure you have a healthy environment at home. Smoke, mold, and bacteria are toxins that affect indoor air. The solution here is to install deodorizers and air purifiers so that you can always breathe fresh, oxygen-rich air at home.


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