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Can People with Depression Go on Their Own?

Can People with Depression Go on Their Own?

  • ديسمبر 24, 2022

Depression is a disorder with many causes, of which the main cause is a deficiency of neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically serotonin. Recognizing the signs of depression is important, because mental health directly affects overall quality of life. Can people with depression go away on their own? What to do with depression?

Manifestations of persistent depression

Before answering whether depression goes away on its own, you need to understand some of the categories of depression. Persistent depression is a common, long-lasting depressive disorder. In English this is called dysthymia (Persistent depressive disorder) – persistent depression, less severe but lasting. Patients often feel sad and depressed. In addition, some symptoms of persistent depression include:
  • Always feeling hungry, eating too much or not wanting to eat, causing abnormal weight changes
  • Lack of energy or feeling tired.
  • Always feel guilty, useless and lose all hope
  • Bored, not interested in any activities
  • Lack of motivation, no life energy
  • Sad, easy to cry
  • Insomnia , restless sleep, waking up easily in the middle of the night, or sleeping more than usual.
  • Thinking about death, planning or committing suicide
  • Loss of concentration, indecisiveness in everything

Causes of persistent depression

To find out if someone with depression will go away on their own, you need to look for the different causes and triggers of persistent depression. Some factors that can trigger persistent depression include:
  • Abuse of stimulants, beer, and alcohol: These stimulants only cause temporary euphoria, but affect the nervous system, causing fatigue and mood of people.
  • Seasonal depression : Seasonal changes and weather also affect people’s mood, some studies show that depression is more common in seasons without sunlight.
  • Psychological trauma: Due to a loss in life such as the loss of a loved one, bankruptcy, family conflict, or certain major life events… it is easy to trigger a depressive episode.
  • Gender: Women tend to be more prone to depression than men. Hormonal changes can be a factor in women’s mental health.

Can people with depression go away on their own?

Whether or not someone with depression can recover on their own depends on the severity of the condition. A depressive episode is a spontaneous episode that resolves on its own in 9-13 months. For mild depression, the person can get rid of it on their own without drugs or strong therapy. However, treatment with psychotherapy or antidepressants depending on the severity of the disease can help recover from the disease in a faster time, and leave less residual symptoms. If the disease is ignored without any treatment, the disease may still have symptoms, and repeated relapses make the patient face a state of constant sadness, and over time, treatment will be difficult to respond. longer, the duration of illness and medication will be longer. Moreover, the disease also affects diseases such as stomach, intestinal tract, blood pressure, nerves, etc.

Natural ways to help relieve symptoms of depression

To prevent the disease from progressing and affecting your quality of life, you can try some natural remedies for mild depression such as:

1. Get enough sleep

According to statistics , about 80% of people with depression experience a sleep disorder: They have trouble falling asleep or sleep too much. Sleep and depression have a direct and reciprocal relationship. Not only does insomnia affect the severity of depression, but depression also affects sleep quality.To fix this, you should:
  • Set a consistent and consistent bedtime: Go to bed at the same time each night and set an alarm to wake up at the same time each morning.
  • Create a sleeping space (cool room temperature), appropriate lighting.
  • Limit blue light exposure (laptop screen, phone), 30 minutes before going to bed, do not use electronic devices.
  • You can read a few pages of a book before going to bed
You should spend some time outside each day instead of just staying indoors all day. Because light plays an important role in regulating sleep cycles and circadian rhythms. According to research , a lack of sun can make it harder for you to fall asleep at night.

2. Reduce caffeine

You can drink coffee, tea, chocolate in the morning, but limit consumption of these foods in the afternoon and evening. Because high caffeine content will cause insomnia. If you’re addicted to coffee, try cutting back gradually to avoid unpleasant symptoms during caffeine withdrawal.

3. Vitamin D Supplementbrown and yellow medication tablets

According to research , a lack of vitamin D in the body can cause depression. Getting enough vitamin D through diet and/or lifestyle (such as sun exposure) helps prevent common depression.Nutrient deficiencies can also lead to some mild depressive symptoms. If you’re having trouble spending time outdoors to absorb vitamin D from sunlight (because of overcast weather conditions), you can try using supplements to supplement your body.

4. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been studied for their potential effects on depression. A 2015 study found that taking an Omega-3 supplement can help reduce symptoms of depression in both adults and children.
Just because a supplement can act as a natural antidepressant does not mean that they are completely safe and suitable for everyone or free of side effects. So it’s best to consult your doctor before using them.

5. Exercise

Exercise is not necessarily overtraining, moving as much as a marathon runner. Sometimes just taking a walk in the sunshine can help you improve your mood. Every day you should maintain exercise for at least 30 minutes to increase the body’s resistance, and help improve and create a more active lifestyle.woman walking on pathway during daytimeIf exercising alone is too difficult, you can find a companion. Having the support of a friend not only helps you develop a good habit, but it also helps maintain social connections. Thereby helping you to improve the state of depression.

6. Meditation

Stress can increase cortisol levels in the brain. According to research , people with depression often have higher levels of cortisol than those who do not. Meditation is said to be an activity that helps reduce stress through focusing on breathing, focusing on body movements. This will help you relax, reduce anxiety and stress in life.woman in black tank top and black pants sitting on green grass field during daytime
In addition to the above mild depression remedies, find yourself a positive thinking friend and listen to you, or write down your worries and concerns. Or join some social activities so you can reconnect with yourself and society.
Each person can also experience mild or persistent depression due to the daily pressures of life. Whether or not a person with depression can recover on their own depends on the patient’s own factors and surrounding influences. Therefore, you can consult mental health professionals for more detailed advice. Hope the article has helped you answer the question of whether depression can be cured on its own, for a good health. Mentally healthy and happy!
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