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Mental Health: Strength to Help You Overcome Difficulties

Mental Health: Strength to Help You Overcome Difficulties

  • December 24, 2022

When your mental health is good, you will have a stronger will to face difficult challenges. If you are an emotional person or prone to stress, unstable mental health will be like Asin’s heel that can make you fall at any time.
Greek mythology tells that Asin (Achilles) was the greatest warrior in the Trojan War thanks to his iron skin that repels all bows and arrows. However, this muscular warrior had a weak point in his heel, so he was defeated in the end.The story of Asin’s heel is like our mental health. Most people only care about physical health and rarely pay attention to mental health. Even many people do not know their mental health is unstable.If your spirit is unstable, no matter how muscular your body or how strong your personality is, there is still a risk of “failing” in the face of difficulties. For people who are emotional or prone to stress, mental health is even more important.

What is mental health?

Mental health is a state of being positive in thinking, controlling emotions and behaving. Just like physical health, you can have good mental health or unstable mental health.

Good mental health

When faced with problems and obstacles, people with good mental health will always see the positive aspects and find solutions quickly. They also know how to calm their mind like a tree that lives calmly no matter how chaotic life is.See if you have the following signs of a person in good mental health:
  • You feel excited when you start a new day.
  • You always feel confident when you look at yourself in the mirror.
  • You often smile at everyone around you.
  • You can think positively even in negative situations.
  • You eat well, sleep well, and are rarely depressed for more than a day.
When your mental health is good, you will have the willpower to overcome daily difficulties more easily.

Unstable mental health

When your mental health is unstable, you will encounter many obstacles with negative psychology. This condition even affects physical health, ability to handle work and relationships.Here are some signs of someone with poor mental health:
  • You don’t want to get out of bed every morning.
  • You are often stressed due to daily work pressure.
  • You get bored, hurt, and angry easily.
  • You often want to be alone or work alone.
  • You feel physically tired even though there is no medical problem.
If your mental health is unstable for a long time, you will be at risk of developing a mental disorder, commonly known as a mental illness.Cultural norms and social expectations can play an important role in helping you identify mental disorders. There is no single standard by which to accurately measure normal and abnormal behavior. However, you can monitor yourself for a while and talk to loved ones to see if you have signs of mental illness.
Mental illness can be influenced by risk factors such as genetics, environment, daily habits and physical health.
You can learn more: How to know if you have a mental illness

Common mental illnesses

According to psychologists, mental illness is also known as mental disorder. Psychologists can list up to 300 mental disorders with distinct signs, causes, and treatments. Here are some common mental illnesses that you are likely to encounter.
1. Anxiety disorders: The main signs of anxiety disorders are excessive anxiety, overthinking, perfectionism, muscle tension, insomnia, digestive problems, etc.2. Depressive Disorder : Up to 80% of us will develop a depressive disorder at a difficult time in our lives. Not only feeling sad or depressed, depression leading to suicide is increasing among young people.3. Bipolar disorder: When you have bipolar disorder , you will have erratic and constantly changing emotions.4. Social Anxiety Disorder: This mental illness is also known as social anxiety disorder. When you have social anxiety disorder , you tend to be afraid of crowds and shy away from socializing with others.5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: People with obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD ( obsessive-compulsive disorder ) are usually very clean, thorough, and well-groomed. They can also obsess over numbers, expect security, agonize over relationships, and so on.6. Post-traumatic stress disorder: Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD can be caused by trauma or the effects of an accident.7. Schizophrenia: This is a serious mental illness with signs of delusions, emotional outbursts, and violent behavior. You need to detect early symptoms of schizophrenia ( schizophrenia ) to treat promptly before it is too late.
When you realize you have signs of mental illness, you should find ways to face instead of hiding to bravely overcome difficult times.
There are many different mental disorders, but if someone has a serious mental illness, it is called a “neuropathy”. This is also one of the reasons why we tend to ignore unusual signs or avoid problems. After all, no one wants to be called “nerve” or “crazy”.

How to treat mental illness?

If your mental illness is mild, you can treat yourself at home with healthy living habits. When the condition worsens with severe symptoms, you must seek psychotherapy combined with medication.

Lifestyle improves mental health

Similar to when you treat physical diseases, a healthy lifestyle is also a “golden key” to repel mental diseases. You can try the following tips to build a diet, exercise, and rest plan that improves mental health:• Eat enough nutrients: You should eat a variety of food groups that help improve mental health such as fatty fish, whole grains, fresh vegetables, etc. If you have digestive problems, you should cook at home. home to ensure food safety.• Gentle exercise: One of the ideal subjects to help you improve your mental health is yoga. You should maintain a regular exercise schedule 5 times/week.• Rest in moderation: To overcome work pressure, you should learn how to arrange science to balance with your personal life. Try to get into the habit of getting 7-8 hours of sleep a day to restore energy to your body.

Psychotherapeutic methods

This is a way to help you treat mental illness by talking to a psychologist about your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Experts will act as a friend to listen without judgment. From there, they will suggest you the best solution to overcome the difficult period.If you don’t want to do psychotherapy with a stranger, you can try opening up to someone you trust and are close to. If they are seasoned people, they can help you figure out how to overcome difficulties.

Medicines for mental illness

Your doctor may consider 4 main medications used to treat mental disorders:
  • Anti-anxiety medication
  • Antidepressants
  • Antipsychotic drugs
  • Mood stabilizers

Which medicine is best for you will depend on your symptoms and other health problems you may have. Your doctor may have you try several medications in different doses before finding the right one to help relieve your symptoms.

Mental illness drugs can bring some unwanted side effects, so you should not buy it on your own but consult your doctor.

Although mental illnesses are not easy to treat because they depend on each person’s psychological condition, if you persevere, the symptoms will gradually improve. When your mental health is good, you will always feel happy every time you greet a new day. The secret to happiness sometimes is simply feeling loving yourself and appreciating the present moment. If you are an emotional person or prone to stress, you should take good care of your mental health to have the strength to overcome difficulties!

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